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Mr. Rogers, Naked Twister and Trailer Park Maria

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Ok, so.. Mr. Rogers picks up the phone in his hotel room and calls an escort agency. A girl by the name of Mandy stops by and Mr. Rogers pays her $500 for her "services". An hour later, she leaves and he goes to sleep. A young Hollywood actor sits in his hotel room and does some drugs. Two gay men go at it in their Lakeview apartment.

Now.. I might think Mr. Rogers is an idiot for wasting $500 on a girl who has no interest in him. I might think the young actor is a waste of a human being. I might prefer seeing my body get set on fire than having to watch Hank and Barry play a tricked up naked Twister. I might, but.. so what. It's not my right to pass judgement on someone else. It's not your right to pass judgement on someone else. Right and wrong can be oh so relative.

I've never been with a prostitute, but I don't think it should be illegal for a girl to visit a guy in the privacy of his home/hotel room and charge for her time. I don't care if he's got a wife and 3 kids. It's consensual and .. I'm not a marriage counselor. I would agree that prostitutes shouldn't walk the streets (brings down property values), but let's make sure they're given access to AIDS awareness and condoms condoms condoms.

The drug war will never be won. As long as human beings WANT... they will HAVE. I drink. I've smoked pot. I may not have done acid or lines or .. shot up, but.. what I do to my body is my business. What you do to your body is your business. If I'm stupid enough to drink heavily and go out for a little drive, well... I deserve any/all punishment. I have no problem with someone using drugs in their home, so long as they don't mingle with the rest of us while in la la land. We all have our vices - booze, cigarettes, gambling, Britney Spears. It's what makes us human. We're not golden gods. We all breathe the same air. We're all going to be rotting 6ft under someday soon. We are all looking for a way to just ... get by. Sure.. it's sad that someone might drink or get high to escape their pain (doesn't work like that), but let them be.

Allow individuals the chance to be individuals.

Legalize drugs. Alcohol (my favorite) is a thousand times worse than marijuana. It's laughable how the government continues to demonize the one drug that's not all that bad. Uh huh, yeah.. I know - ANYTHING taken to excess WILL be bad, but.. pot is hardly the damaging monster that alcohol secretly knows itself to be. I might think smoking is a sick and nasty habit, but do we really need to OUTLAW it? Is it really worse than say.. allowing a 16yr old kid access to a 3000lb automobile? Is it worse than letting some idiot drink coffee and talk on his cell phone while driving? Legalize drugs and tax the living shit out of them.

The only true sin is in harming someone ELSE - physically or emotionally. The guy who walks in off the street and kills the clerk in cold blood.... The rich girls at lunch making fun of "fat, trailer park Maria" as Maria tries hard not to cry... The drunk at the bar who picks a fight with some guy just because he bumped into him.

In other words...

Stop caring so much what others do behind closed doors...

You want to fix society? Fix yourself...