Emerson. Thoreau. Tupac. Insert name here.
It’s good to read. It’s important to absorb other perspectives. Be careful, though. Make sure you form your own opinions – your own beliefs. If you’re quoting some dead writer, let it be known. Don’t let your entire vocabulary be a plagiarized tome. Think for yourself.
Research other cultures. Drown in their music and language.
Walk the dark roads, the empty streets. Engage those in the shadows.
Find the beauty in all living things. Appreciate.
Get off on porn. Hum along with a church choir. Be inspired by Neruda. Dance. You got the chance. Take a hit. Run with it. Talk about sex, politics and religion. Don’t be shy. Don’t worry that others may “judge” you. Be a slut. Be a brain. Be a child. Be who you want to be. Be who you are. Stand up. Speak up. Question.
Hut hut.. hike that skirt. Flash that smile. Draw all those boys to the yard.
Live. Laugh. Be happy. You only get one chance at life....